Artist Care and Feeding
Hosts Cathleen Falsani and Kaitlyn Barrett welcome artists and creators of all mediums and genres for conversations about how they do what they do and, for right now at least, how the COVID age has affected (or not) how they create/make their art. Actors, filmmakers, writers, musicians, designers, dancers, directors, poets, playwrights, painters, animators, comedians, magicians, sculptors, chefs, all manner of performers and makers of all stripes. Artist Care & Feeding is the home we are creating for artists. Welcome and come on through… There’s a bar over there, and up the stairs, to your left, you’ll find your room. It’s been customized to your exact specifications. If you need anything at all, just pick up the phone and someone will be right with you. There are extra blankets and down pillows on the top shelf of the wardrobe. The WiFi code is EVERYTHINGYOUDOISART.
Artist Care and Feeding
Kait + Cath Mini 17 | Oddest Odd Jobs
Cathleen Falsani and Kaitlyn Barrett
Welcome to the dark corners of our pop-culture minds.
Kaitlyn Barrett and Cathleen Falsani are co-hosts of the Artist Care and Feeding Podcast.
ACAF Twitter: @ArtistCareNFeed
ACAF Insta: @ArtistCareFeed
Kaitlyn Insta: @kaitlynfaebarrett
Kaitlyn LinkedIn: Kaitlyn Barrett
Cathleen Twitter: @godgrrl
Cathleen Insta: @godgrrl
Cathleen LinkTree: @GodGrrl
Cathleen Latest: Look for the Light
Mark Insta:@markrivet